Sooria Girls School Kabul

In 2003, 26 Students from the Technische Universität Berlin and 25 Students from the Kabul University built together a library and a multifunctional room for the Soria Highschool in Kabul. It was embedded in a master plan developed by the German students that was executed parallel by local workers under the direction of the GiZ/ AGEF in Kabul.

The project was initiated by Prof. Rainer Mertes, TU Berlin and run by Arch. Anne Seidel and Arch. Ursula Hartig with the suport of an extense network of experts and organisation.

The Soria High School is a Girls school and was completely destroyed by the civil war. When we arrived, the girls where taught in two shifts, two classes a time in tents from the UNO.

After the projects was finished, colored school pavilions and the two extra facilities used as Library and Teachers Assembly-Room where occupied.

A parallel project, a Tee Pavillion was designed at the TU Berlin but due to complicated life- and working conditions could only be realized after the DesignBuild Project by contractors and freelancing students.


Images and Plans


End of 2003: The colored School

After we left Kabul in October 2003, the school pavillions as well as the final works on the entrance pavillions where completed by the German development agency GTZ and Afghan craftsman and form now the new school compound. As the school was was painted in bright colours, the school is named now colored school in Kabul. The pavilions are well maintained and the differentiated spaces well used.

Revue 2005 damage at the attika

We could not controll the finishing of the roof. As a consequence, some mistakes regarding the impermeability where made. Water can filter through the stones that cover the attika and is damaging the leight weight clay insulation and the plaster.


Asfaha, Anatol Beaupain, Robert Dagli, Ercan Eifert, Andrej Geisenhainer, Peter Hagn, Andrea Hanft, Sören Haß, Sebastian Hoffmann, Patrick Illenberger, Florian Janitschek, Stephan Jähningen, Falk Kellersmann, Charlotte , Kleyböcker, Anne Knüppel, Christoph Kolshorn, Till Kurth, Nicole Lettau, Susanne Lilja, Samsarah Loes, Morten Neumann, Lutz Rafat, Mohammad Reza Reimert, Fredy Saygel, Attila Schreiber, Lorenz , Schöneberg, Gesa Sottrel, Robert Wagner, Barbara Weise, Wido Zimmermann, Jens
Soria High School, Kabul
Collaborating Organisations
FG Prof. Rainer Mertes + FG Prof. Dr. Klaus Rückert -TU Berlin, the University of Kabul,
Project Implementation
Consultant BGS/dmp
Project Implementation
Training on the job
Other Collaboration
Deutsche Botschaft Afghanistan
Afghanisches Kommunikations- und Kulturinstitut
Project Implementation
Afghan Ministery for Education + Ministery for Urbanism
Other Collaboration
University Kabul, Direktor Prof. M. Akbar Popal
Prof.Dr. Christof Ziegert
Axel Huhn
Fariba Sephernia
Anne Seidel
Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Baldauf, Zentralasien- Seminar, Humbold Universität zu Berlin
Dr. Sonja Nebel, TU- Berlin
Herr Walter Hutz, GTZ- Kabul
KFW: Material and construction; consultancies; I
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW)
International Students, Experts and Faculty Exchange
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)

Academic Discipline(s)
Architecture, TU Berlin
22 Students
Civil Engineering, TU Berlin
3 Students
Architecture an Engineering, TU Kabul
25 Students
Academic Level(s)
Academic Facts

Project Start
Length of Preparation Phase
6 month
Length of Planning/ Design Phase
4 month
Additional comments
The projects realized by the students were part of a master plan. The other school pavilions were realized by the German Development Agency 'Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit' GiZ and their executive organization in Kabul AGEF.
Project Context
Project Type
Care / Education
Construction Methods/Techniques