
Salita Pontecorvo 65
80135 Naples

established 2005


Archintorno is an Italian not-for-profit organization established in Naples in 2005 by young, Neapolitan architects who wanted to realize DesignBuild Studios inspired by the Praktikumseminar Mexico of the TU-Berlin, focusing on development cooperation through architecture. In the last ten years, three projects were realized in Mexico, which involved indigenous communities of the Oaxaca state and european and mexican students, working together to design and build community facilities. The focus is on low-tech, sustainable buildings (that for us means appropriate to local cultural, economic and environmental resources), inspired by the vernacular tradition and based on a participatory design approch. Archintorno also experiments with the reuse of waste materials, that is a local resourse widely available in Naples. Furthermore, the engagement is also on projects that support the promotion and enhancement of public spaces. We are active in Montesanto (a popular neighborhood  in the historical center of Naples) where we take part to the "Le scalze" community, a network of associations that promotes active citizenship practices, such as  the reuse of the forgotten architectural heritage through integrated projects that try to overcome social exclusion and marginalization. Archintorno is the italian member of the EDBKN.


Santa Cruz Community House

Santa Cruz Tepetotutla,

by: archintorno
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Scale of project: M - Medium
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San Pedro Community House


by: DIARC - University of Naples
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: M - Medium
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Experimental Centre for Sustainable Technologies in Oaxaca


by: Politecnico di Torino, Taller Max Cetto - UNAM
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: M - Medium
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Let’s Sit Down and Talk


by: DIARC - University of Naples
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2007
Scale of project: S - Small
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Naples-Italy, Oaxaca-Mexico

Registered Members
Dr Roberta Nicchia Architect, Urbanist
Funding Member
Alessandra Basile Architect, Fotografer
Giuliana Sandulli Architect
Andrea Tulisi Architect

External Network
Centro de Apoyo al Movimiento Popular Oaxaqueño, A.C. I Camino Real a San Luis Beltrán No. 505, San Luís Beltrán, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, México, Código Postal: 68020
Academic Collaboration
Facultad de Arquitectura | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Universidad 3000, Del. Coyoacán México D.F., C.P. 04510.