San Luís Beltrán
Oaxaca de Juárez

Camino Real a San Luis Beltrán No. 505
68020 Oaxaca

established 1988


CAMPO is an organization with solid technical and professional equipment and a broad national and international influence in the cultural and socio-environmental area. CAMPO counts on a trustworthy and well-established network of key actors in communities, villages and organizations in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. CAMPO is colaborator in variuos DesignBuild projects.



The mission of CAMPO is:

- to initiate the sustainable development of indigenous regions

- to promote the knowledge and understanding of individual and collective rights

- to enhance the quality of life and environment with a focus on equity and equality between men and women and to contribute to a fair and democratic society.



Three fundamental concepts marc the philosophy of CAMPO:

- The past is the matrix of the socio-political, cultural and environmental orientation of the people of origin of Mexico.

- The present is injust and alien

- The present holds is the social and political responsibility for the future


Based on this concept, CAMPO pushes the cooperating groups, communities, villages and organizations to recover the matrix of their past as a orientation in their own historic perspective for the present activities.


That means, to build a future that is constituted deeply in their collectively treasured history.

The proposal is, to help and resolve problems of the present whilst having a clear idea of the aspired future.


Santa Cruz Community House

Santa Cruz Tepetotutla

by: archintorno
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Scale of project: M - Medium
more information

San Pedro Community House


by: DIARC - University of Naples
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: M - Medium
more information

Experimental Centre for Sustainable Technologies in Oaxaca


by: Politecnico di Torino, Taller Max Cetto - UNAM
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: M - Medium
more information

A School for Zaachila


Function Care / Education
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2015
Scale of project: M - Medium
more information



Registered Members
Ing. Cesar Morales Rodriguez Engineer
Dr. Eduardo Torres Antropologist
General Director

External Network
Project Design and Construction
Ursula Hartig
Project Design and Construction
Roberta Nicchia
Project Design and Construction
Ursula Hartig