CoCoon - contextual construction

et al. TU Berlin, Hochschule München
CoCoon-Studio GbR

Schustehrusstraße 3
10585 Berlin

Academic Organisation
established 2004


CoCoon is a sector for contextual planning, design and construction in an intercultural and interdisciplinary context. It combines teaching, research, practice and networking. CoCoon promotes sustainability and social engagement in the production of living environments. CoCoon is dedicated to the designbuild-methodology, fostering academy to dedicate knowledge as service for the community. CoCoon is associated with university departments as well as non-academic organisations and experts. CoCoon emerged in April 2005 from the „Studienreformprojekt Foreign Affairs" and the Designbuild projects "Students Building in Mexico/ Ecuador" / "Students Building in Kabul", based at the TU Berlin.

The active members of CoCoon are: Nina Pawlicki, Simon Colwill and Ursula Hartig.

They research and teach at different universities with an emphasis on DesignBuild projects.


A School for Zaachila


Function Care / Education
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2015
Scale of project: M - Medium
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Escaleras Oasis Tropical


by: Urban Oasis in collaboration with CoCoon - contextual construction
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2016
Scale of project: M - Medium
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Panke Platz


Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2015
Scale of project: S - Small
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Sooria Girls School Kabul


by: FG. Prof. Rainer Mertes
Function Care / Education
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: M - Medium
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The Concrete Garden


Function Other Function
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2014
Scale of project: S - Small
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Academic Levels
  • BA, 5th Semster Achitecture, Landscape Architecture
  • MA/ MSc: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Civil Engineering

Registered Members
Ursula Hartig Architect I Researcher I Lecturer
Simon Colwill Landscape Architect I Researcher I Lecturer
Nina Pawlicki Architect I Researcher I Lecturer
Florian Träger IT Student
Former Members
Dr. Frank Hassenewert Architect
Teacher, project director
M. en Arq. Karina Flores Arquitect
Assistant Student
Valentina Rojas Loa Curator

Internal Network
University of Applied Sciences, Munich
Teaching, Engineering
Prof. Dr. Jörg Jungwirth
Teaching, Landscape Architecture
Teaching, Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Klaus Rückert
External Network
Title Cesar Lopez
Research, Field Work, Education, Planning and Building
Sergio Palleroni
Field Work, Research, Planning, Building, Education
Sebastian Oviedo, Lorena Burbano
Construction Methods/Techniques