Draw-Design-Build: Schule am Teltowkanal Revisited

As part of TU Berlin’s Summer University program, 19 students of diverse academic and professional backgrounds spent two weeks learning and co-working on the course “Draw-Design-Build”, dedicated to the transformative challenge of revitalising the grounds of a Berlin primary school.

The project aimed to complement and strengthen the impact of the previous summer university programme, which was carried out last year:

see https://www.dbxchange.eu/project/draw-design-build-schule-am-teltowkanal

This is a micro-scale design-build project that aims to deliver maximum benefits for all stakeholders within a tight timeframe and with a minimal budget.


Draw, Design, Build
The course is based on an analogue, hands-on approach to project development, starting from the initial site analysis, through the design processes, to the construction process itself - namely Draw, Design, Build. 

The program is designed to deeply engage participants in Design, emphasising social responsibility while nurturing the growth of their creative, practical, and professional skills through hands-on drawing, designing and making. The primary educational objective of this course is to cultivate insightful decision-makers who are deeply aware of the imperative to proactively contribute to the creation of a balanced living environment - socially, culturally and environmentally. This endeavour aims not only to educate, but to stimulate a committed awareness of the need to promote sustainable communities for the future.

The "Clients"
After building trust on site through our previous construction work the year before, the school approached us again with the task of increasing playability and creating more social spaces for the children. They expressed the need for outdoor play facilities and the need for more identification with the school. In Art lessons, the pupils produced sketches in which they outlined their wishes for improvement, the elements and their locations as the basis for our design process.

The process: 
Discussions with clients and users guided the design process from conception to completion. Students initially learnt sketch analysis and design development techniques - rooted in design thinking and innovative idea generation. They then explored the project site through sketching, analyzing its characteristics, textures, and spatial qualities.

These explorations, combined with an analysis of user needs and the site's strengths and weaknesses, lead to initial design ideas developed through on-site sketching and group discussions The final design elements, built collaboratively with students, teachers and a skilled craftsman, highlights the practical application of theoretical knowledge and emphasizes user-centered design and teamwork in realizing sustainable architectural concepts.

Technical Description

This project involves renovating and enhancing existing elements and spaces within the school grounds, as well as undertaking new constructions. It incorporates the principles of reuse, recycling, upcycling, and refurbishment to achieve maximum results on a minimal budget.

A professional carpenter with experience in on-the-job training guided the use of wood as the primary construction material. The main construction material consisted of waste timber planks, such as warped or cracked wood, provided by an outdoor furniture manufacturer. These planks were initially sorted, and the best pieces or sections were utilized in suitable parts of the construction. This reuse and upcycling of waste wood account for about 80% of the total wood material used.


Eliana Lehmann, Younian Liu, Jazlin Burnap, Habib Kabbas, Sae Fujinaga, Ryan Jacobs, Sena Tamura, Zhiyue Li, Yueran Tao, Natsumi Oi, Halis Yarim, Rikako Ito, Ai-ling Wu, HyeokJun Ko, Zoe Recalde, Saki Maekawa
Schule am Teltowkanal
Collaborating Organisations
Alex Tiller ( Project Implementation )
Silvana Tiller-Tapanova ( Project Implementation )
Merten Schulz v. Endert ( Teaching )
Simon Colwill ( Logistics Project Implementation Teaching )

Academic Level(s)
Students in bachelor's and master's programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate students)
Academic Facts

Site / Structure Dimension
This is a mico-scale design-build project that included the renovation and enhancing of existing elements and spaces within the school grounds as well as the new constructions. The project integrated the principles of reuse, recycling, upcycling and refurbishment to ensure maximum output from the minimal budget.
1500 €
5300 €
In Kind
Contribution of waste timber planks (warped, cracked wood) from an outdoor furniture manufacturer. This reuse/upcycling of waste wood amounted to ca. 75% of the total wood used.
Project Start
August 2024
Length of Preparation Phase
1 week
Length of Planning/ Design Phase
1 Week
Length of Construction Phase
1 Week
Project Context
Care / Education | Sports / Play / Recreation
Construction Methods/Techniques