IMPULSHAUS prototype of an emergency home
homelessness is an urgent topic in our society. due to reasons such as poverty, flight and social segregation the issue is growing. homeless people have a tendency to withdraw themselves from society as the retreat in the mind is the only option they have. to address this the students of FH Kärnten developed a housing concept along the quote of Hilary Silver, a sociologist:
“It is not the conventional roof over our heads that gives us a sense of belonging. It is the social structures that keep us afloat”
basic human needs
the design is outstanding as it is combing the minimum (in terms of space as well as resources) with the satisfaction of basic human needs:
- need for retrieval: own space for every individual
- need for community: low-threshold for contact with others, due to the layout of the platform and the shared bathing house
- need for safety and shelter: alcove to shield the bed in three directions
- need for flexibility: the layout enables individuals to (re)arrange the bed and other furniture to personal desires
- need for generosity: with regard to the limited are, the design enables the residents to create different indoor and outdoor spaces
- need for nature: the extension of walls, roof and floor to the outdoors are creating an easy transition and are pulling nature inside
Technical Description
the design is providing the basis for circular building. the walls are wooden frames, that can be insulated as well as coated with available resources. furthermore it is possible to adopt connecting angles of the walls with regard to the availability of glass elements.
this principle was executed in the design build process. building materials were obtained inexpensively through platforms and networks, giving them a second life.
2020 start at the university / architecture courses with the topic "pur“ (engl.: “pure”) =-> architecture & homelessness; 2021/03 start with the individual design of the "IMPULSHAUS" / a minimal-home for people in need; 2021/05 forming one collective architectural design on site; 2021/06 starting the design build process on site; 2021/08 holding a summer school carrying on the design build process; 2021/09 having a new mixed group of students developing details & going on in design build; 2022/03 - 06 completing the building & organizing a large party for all participants to celebrate the finish of the project and to celebrate the Carinthian Humans Rights award, we meanwhile won with the IMPULSHAUS - and simultaneously to use the party & the good mood for communicating the protect into the neighbourhood to raise the chances of acceptance; since 2022 implementing the module in concrete projects for example such as „JosefiDorf Klagenfurt“ (A) and „VinziDorf Marburg“ (G)