Let’s Sit Down and Talk
As part of Rifiu.ti.AMO project, the workshop Let’s Sit Down and Talk was proposed to the university students of Naples to demonstrate how architecture can actively participate in changing the way we use waste. The workshop proposed a conscious attitude and practical solutions for the appropriate use of wasted materials. A design process helped the participants to understand a cycle of creation and re-creation of urban furniture by using industrial disposal materials as resources.
Thanks to the expertise of international associations invited to the workshop, such as Husly (Norway), Millegomme (Netherlands) and Basurama (Spain), we rethought the courtyard space at the Faculty of Architecture of Naples. The courtyard was redesigned through the construction of light temporary structures, creating new urban furniture from reused wasted materials. The workshop included also the self-construction of the structures and a final event presenting the process and opening the re-designed space to the city.
Technical Description
The courtyard space at the Faculty of Architecture of Naples was redesigned through the construction of light temporary structures, creating new urban furniture from reused wasted materials.