Program Assistant Shoshana Gordon

Profile picture for user sgordon6

Small Center
1725 Baronne Street
New Orleans, LA 70113
United States

Short CV

Tulane City Center, Tulane School of Architecture, New Orleans, LA
Feb. 2016 – present
Nonprofit community design center of Tulane School of Architecture
Program Assistant, AmeriCorps VISTA 2016 – 17
• Provide office management support, including facilitating staff meeting, answering telephone inquiries, and
creating strategies for organizing and archiving project files
• Help manage social media accounts, including tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram, to keep stakeholders informed
and excited about upcoming events and current projects
• Designed and illustrated 2015-2016 Annual Report with Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop to highlight
key projects and secure funding for future projects
• Assisted with curation, conception, research, and design of rotating exhibits
• Developed curriculum and schedule for 2-month student fellowship; led activities including weekly reading
discussions, fieldtrips, and check-ins for 8 undergraduate and graduate student fellows

New Blankets, St. Louis, MO Nov. 2015 – Dec. 2016
Nonprofit promoting the sharing of open and free technologies in communities across the US
Artist in Transit
• Lead workshops to both kids and adults on using various tools including 3D printers, the Curio papercutter, and
digital embroidery machines
• Test different fibers for hand papermaking and create DIY, cheap or free versions of traditional hand
papermaking tools and processes
• Designed book cover and layout for second edition of Bruce E. Johansen’s Forgotten Founders, Northampton, MA Oct. – Dec. 2015
Nonprofit focused on eliminating corruption in US campaign finance
Graphic Design Intern
• Maintained consistent brand while creating original designs for Facebook graphics and internal documents
• Researched and wrote original copy for Facebook graphics to incite viewer to action against corruption in US
electoral politics

826 Boston, Boston, MA Sept. – Dec. 2015
Nonprofit that provides free creative writing classes to Boston kids ages 6 – 18 years old
Graphic Design Intern
• Created aesthetically pleasing designs and illustrations for event flyers, Facebook graphics, invitations, internal
documents, and thank-you cards as sole designer on staff

Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH May 2015
B.A. in Studio Art
2011 National Merit Scholarship; 2011 - 2015 John F. Oberlin Scholarship; Phi Beta Kappa

Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign
Microsoft Office: Word / Excel / PowerPoint


Sankofa Mobile Market

New Orleans
United States

by: Small Center
Project Status: Completed / Usage Phase
Year of Completion: 2016
Scale of project: S - Small
more information


Contact Me (for full members only)
Mobile/Cell: 5043142330



Role in DesignBuild Network