Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Silke Flaßnöcker

Profile picture for user Silke Flassnoecker

Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences Technology Business and Design Faculty of Architecture and Design
Philipp-Müller-Straße 14
23966 Wismar

Aims and expectations

Interest in exchange with other academics and initiatives, using self-building as an educational method. strong focus on sustainability in its various ecologic, economic and social aspects

Short CV

since 09.2013 Professor of Building Design and Construction at Hochschule Wismar ⋅ University of Applied Sciences, Business, Technology and Design, Faculty of Architecture and Design
03.2013 - 07.2013 Project Director at Turner & Townsend plc. Berlin
01.2011 - 02.2013 Chief Architect at gmp International
2001 - 2004 Tutor at Chair of Building Construction, RWTH Aachen University
07.1999 - 02.2013 Project Architect at gmp International, Aachen, Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin
1994 - 1998 Student tutor at the Chair of Structural Engineering, RWTH Aachen University

10.2011 - 02.2013 Further professional qualification, Building Surveyor
2002 Registration at North-Rhine Westphalian Chamber of Architects (AKNW)
09.1995 – 07.1996 Oxford Brookes University, UK, School of Architecture
10.1992 – 02.1999 RWTH Aachen University, studies of architecture

English, fluent - professional level
Basic Portuguese, Spanish and French


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South Africa (Eastern Cape)

participation, international partnership, joint action, sustainable development

Role in DesignBuild Network