HOW TO ...

As a fully registered member you may post projects, register your organisation, upload DesignBuild related research papers, design and construction plans, bibliographic references and other material and use the networking tool.

To become a fully registered member of the designbuildXchange platform you need to register. Please note that you have to register as an individual first before creating or getting linked to an existing organisation profile or posting a project. After submitting the basic registration form you will receive an email containing a link that will lead you to a page where you can set your password. After setting your password, you will be able to log in at the designbuildXchange platform. You can now continue to post your profile. To do so you have to provide ALL obligatory information in the following input mask. 

All information that you submit must be correct and complete. We will do inspections on that to verify your identity.

We invite non- academics as well as academics to become members of the network: educators, students, researchers, clients, craftsmen, members of NGO's, designers and planners, constructors, users and other related individuals.

Please keep you password secret and do not share it with others as you are responsible for all activities performed using your account.

If you forgot your password or your email adress, please get in touch with one of our admins. We will help you as soon as possible.

For posting a project you first have to register fully / login. Once you have logged in using your member name and password you will find the 'create content' box on your dashboard. You find the DASHBORD button on the right side of the header.

dashboard- logout

There you will also find the 'add new project' option.

You will be guided through the project input matrix containing obligatory information as well as a variety of means for presenting and discussing your DesignBuild project: upload of related documents, images and plans, videos and detailed background information.

For editing a project, you should be the author of the project or a group member with editorial rights.

After logging in, choose the project you want to edit by browsing the front end or on your dashboard in the 'my contents' box by clicking the project title. This will lead you to the project profile page where you can find the input mask to do changes. Under the tab 'project group membership' you will have the chance to invite other platform members to the project group and give them the right to edit the related project or simply link and show it on their personal profile page.


Organisations can be DesignBuild studios at Institutions of higher education, research entities, collaborating institutes and professional associations, local professional partners, clients and users organisations, funding organisations and others supporting DesignBuild initiatives.

For creating your organisation you first have to register fully / login. You will find the 'create an organisation' option on your dashboard in the create content box. You will be guided through the organisation input matrix. If you enter your organisation in the contact input mask, this project will show up on your organisation profile page.




There are several possibilities to search for projects with special characteristics. You may use our search function. You will find it in the header on every page of the platform. You can also visit the project home page to be found in the main menu under 'projects'. The project overview worldmap helps to find projects by location.

On the member as well as the organisation profile page you´ll find the links to the related projects.

If you wish to contact an organisation, please contact the contact person of the organisation for your request.

For getting into contact with other members of the platform you can find a contact section on each member profile page. If you are looking for members with specific expertise, characteristics or simply with the same interests as you, there are various possibilities to do so: use the guided search, click on the member tab.

Register / login and post your active member profile in order to offer and/or search for cooperation partners, project assistance and funding, to share knowledge and contacts, and to discuss challenges. As a member you can upload DesignBuild projects and register your organisation. You can also upload DesignBuild related research papers, design and construction plans, bibliographic references and other material.

For submitting news or events related to DesignBuild please contact us directly, providing us with supporting material that should appear with the announcement: info(at)

Donation for the platform

we welcome an donation to assure the performance of the web page and the work of dbXchange association.

please use this account details:




Donation for projects

If you wish to donate for a special project please contact the contact person of the project for your request.